Events - Month View
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Itascatur Ski Director Neil King is teaching a series of beginner classical ski lessons. Attendees should either be beginning skiiers or people who want to brush up on their skills. Numbers will be kept to about 8 people total. There is no charge except membership in Itascatur.
Open Houses offer an opportunity for visitors and guests to try cross country skiing or snowshoeing, and to enjoy our warming house and hospitality. Attendees are encouraged to join Itascatur, and volunteers are needed for these events.
Open Houses offer an opportunity for visitors and guests to try cross country skiing or snowshoeing, and to enjoy our warming house and hospitality. Attendees are encouraged to join Itascatur, and volunteers are needed for these events.
Board meetings are held bi-monthly to conduct business of the Itascatur Outdoor Activity Club
Open Houses offer an opportunity for visitors and guests to try cross country skiing or snowshoeing, and to enjoy our warming house and hospitality. Attendees are encouraged to join Itascatur, and volunteers are needed for these events.
Open Houses offer an opportunity for visitors and guests to try cross country skiing or snowshoeing, and to enjoy our warming house and hospitality. Attendees are encouraged to join Itascatur, and volunteers are needed for these events.